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I started radiation last week and today was day #5 of 21 sessions. I go each day M-F. Each Monday I check with my Radiology Oncologist who talks more than anyone I've ever met. It's nice because her bedside manner is incredible. But she also golfs so we can talk for a while... I was there an extra hour today! haha
Side note my diagnosis was Stage 1 once they looked at everything. Best case scenario!
There's a lot of confusion around radiation as it's evolved so much over the years. Here's my experience each day:
Get upfront parking at "Cancer Patient Parking" spots. Roll my eyes at the wtf that this is my temporary reality and head inside and down to Level 0 because radiation is crazy so they put you in the basement.
Scan my barcode and head down the hallway, knock on a door and pull it open before anyone inside could possibly answer (so far no issues). Grab a robe, tie the waist successfully and choke myself with the top ties b/c they are impossible to connect so I just wrap them around my neck which stays for about 10 seconds.
Head to the waiting area which is nice. They always have a puzzle going and that's where I always go to wait. The whole appointment is only 15 minutes and so far there haven't been any issues with timing so I just race to see how much of the puzzle I can complete.
Radiation highlights. The big room, my beautiful gown and the thickest door ever.
Once they call you in...
They give you a warm blanket and will put on any music you like.
You lay down on the machine, top comes down and they line you up with lasers coming from the ceiling and walls to the tattoos they added a couple of weeks ago. I have four small tattoos, two in the middle of my chest and one on each side. The technicians line you up exactly to the lasers and some other measurements, then they run and hide behind the 8-inch thick door.
The machine rotates around you and radiates what the doctor mapped out. It looks similar to a camera shutter, opening and closing to different sizes.
It radiates from top left to right, then rotates around and radiates bottom right up to the left. THIS IS MY FAVORITE PART because when it rotates down below me, there is a green light that shines and it casts a PERFECT shadow outline of my boob and nippple onto the ceiling, as big as a ceiling tile. It makes me laugh and it looks good too.
I don't feel anything at all! The whole process takes about 4 minutes from start to finish.
Side effects are sunburn of the area and fatigue -- that's it! So far so good :)
2025 reset
The second surgery pushed radiation to January so all of December was rest, holidays, family and fun. The first week of radiation hasn't slowed me down though. I went to the rodeo and golfed this past weekend. I'm still prioritizing my healing and making sure that I'm taking so much of this experience with me. It has forced me to slow down so much and for that, I am grateful.
My last day of radiation should be Wednesday, February 5 (assuming no scheduling conflicts). My location has a gong you hit after your last treatment. While updating my calendar on 2/5 today with these 🔔🔔🔔 , I burst into tears. I can't wait for the day I'm finished with this. I'm strong as hell. Simultaneousely, the mental toll this has taken is a lot (not to mention the literal physical toll and that my body looks permanently different). Honestly, I'm still coming to terms with that a bit.
But for now, just closing that I am so incredibly grateful for all of the love and support I have from everyone in my life. I could not be doing this without all of you!
as requested...
(From Tessa)
We ask for prayers for healing and clarity and if you'd like to make a financial contribution, I'm tracking donations. Our parents raised Katharine and I to tithe to charities of our choice. That's carried us into adulthood and we both still donate to people in need, many times without even knowing the person. I know this goodness would one day come back to us if needed <3.
Katharine fully supports herself as she owns her own business and there are a lot of costs and a lot of unknowns for future costs. Her copay for one appointment alone can vary from $90 - $230. If people would like to help, we are gratefully accepting contributions towards her medical bills, time lost not working, and for auxiliary testing and treatments to help bring her into perfect health. We will be doing testing (out-of-pocket costs) to explore more root cause potentials for why she has had thyroid cancer and now breast cancer within a year.
Venmo is @TessaBowman
PayPal is Name is Fortunata Bowman
Zelle is Name is Fortunata Bowman
Phone number is 619-994-0786
If you want to mail her anything, please text Tessa for the address.
RESOURCES if needed
I'm with Sharp and this page (despite the mask photo...) has a lot of great information. The videos under "understanding your diagnosis" are interesting and go over basic info too, not just cancer stuff.